Friday, March 30, 2012

Light the stars

So....... I had my first ever photoshoot few days back and boy... I think that was the most awkward 2 hours of my life ever. I hope I did..... ok though. At least I don't think it's thaaaaat bad.

And the guys at Inknlight were awesome! Super patient and easygoing, keep asking me to "Don't gan cheong and slowly!" Haha :) Will definitely sign a package with them once everything goes well!

Am in the midst of editing the photos now.. Tentative date to launch will be on 8th April! After I'm back from Bali, which I'm really excited about.

Life's been pretty good lately, apart from the part where I'm shitass broke after my appointment at TTSH today. :( Can't wait for my next pathetic paycheck to come in.

4 more days to Bali! ;)

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