Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Back at one

New hood, new house, new room. I would like to say new me, but... I am feeling nothing like new.

One of the many changes in 2016.... leaving the estate that I've been staying at the past 18 years. Leaving behind the many memories made over the years. Can't help but feel a tad emotional.

It's been a week now at my new room new house new hood. Am still getting used to it and to be honest I feel kinda out of sorts. Staying in my room through the night thanks to insomnia has been quite depressing. Late night thoughts coupled with the feeling of loneliness, not a good sign.

Sometimes life throws you such obvious reasons to not trust someone and yet stubbornness prevails. I can, however, feel it fading away. At 26, there's no reason for me to be so stupid anymore. It's really time to grow up and start being smart.

Growing up makes me realise that no one has a clue about life no matter what age you are. When I was a kid I look up to those adults thinking that being an adult must be awesome, that they sure know what they are doing. Now, I've learnt it's everything but.

I'm still the same me, just with added adult responsibilities, which in all honesty, sucks.

Trying so hard to stay positive but these thoughts and feelings are making it so damn hard.


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