Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Material girl

So.... I'm beginning to dread work now and I hate how I'm feeling because I thought I finally found a job that I could stick to. Times like these when I ask myself, is it me? Or is it the company?

Then I deduced that maybe, I'm simply not cut out for the mundane 9-5 OL lifestyle. :\

Enough of my career rants. I am still young and it's never too late to figure out what I like right?

On a totally unrelated note, I can't help but realise that some girls are so materialistic. No offense to anyone in particular but it's something that I've noticed recently.

Girls gushing and going "I love my bf so much because he just just bought me a XXX bag plus a XXX bracelet plus treat me to dinner at some XXX atas restaurant." On repeat. Like almost every day of the week.

Seriously? That's why you love your boyfriend?

I can't help but feel so "ughhhh" whenever I read about something like that. It feels so.... wrong. Especially when you brag it to the world it just shows how materialistic you are. And what a sucker your boyfriend is.

Sure, I'd understand if it's for some special occasion but every other day? Might as well call him your sugar daddy?

I don't get girls like that. One of those times when I feel so guy about myself. Oh well.....


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